Now to try a little Ardour

Step 2 in the installation of Ubuntu Studio is to give it full functionality and make sure that the Ardour DAW is installed!

ardourSo happy that I have a working system and having taken my faltering steps on the learning curve, I’m ready to update the system to include all the latest packages. So using the system menu, I clicked on System->Software Updater. I allowed it to install any updates it wished to.

Once the Updater had completed, I then went to System->Ubuntu Studio Meta Installer and ticked all of the options to download. I clicked on Install and then went off to make some Breakfast! This is where I should get my DAW, Ardour, installed for me!

Eventually, it completed the installation and asked for a system restart, which I did. I started up (with an alarmingly large amount of background processing going on!) eventually to a sparkling new system. The screen shot below is of the system menu showing that all the development software has been nicely installed (I hope) and that Ardour is sitting there waiting for me as indeed is Audacity! Yippee!

My new Desktop – click on image to enlarge